A busy day at Summit Station

Yesterday I got to fix some hardware (kinda why they brought me here) as the connectors used for the batteries to power our Pulser were terrible, so I soldered them out. That was pretty much all we could do due to North Winds.

Today we spent the whole day in the field. Melting holes in the ice with a melting probe and putting pulsers and antennas in the ice to look at the refractive index. It was a long day, but we were kept busy the whole time, so time flew by.

The batteries are back at camp being charged ready for tomorrow where we are doing basically the same thing.

Around camp, spirits are high now that the flight period is over and there is more room for people to relax. A Cribbage tournament is in full swing and all hands are preparing for the winterization of the station. After the next flight period in August, only 5 people will remain, so everything needs to be done by then. This involves the big bulldozers moving a lot of snow to make the winter berm (it makes sure that the winter snow doesn't bury everything) and working out what gets sent back to the USA and what winters over.

Station 15 with Jethro walking away. The green flags in the foreground is the location of the BigRAID hole. The deployment shed in the background is over the 10 m hole we made with the melting probe. The people to the left are at the site we are making our next melting probe hole.

The melting probe in front of our deployment shed

Jethro and Christoph on a snowmobile

Out melting probe hole

Jethro just hanging out

Inside the big house. Many people concentrating on Cribbage


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