That Monday feeling

This is the first day that I have felt exhausted.

Long day in the field, hauling heavy equipment up and down holes, late for dinner (this is probably the biggest things), we are on low power restriction while they fix a generator so we can't work in our usual space, and everything keeps breaking.

One of the main reasons I am here is so that I can fix things in the field when they break. Unfortunately, today is one of those days............

But we got it done, and the measurements are made (today we were comparing time of flight of radio pulses through air compared with through different depths of ice). We are rattling through out calibration tasks, so we should have plenty of time to go back over anything that looks strange.

I might treat myself to a shower and an early night.

Nils and Christoph setting up the air transmitter

Nils digging holes. You can see the deployment shed in the background where the through air receiver is located

Pretty sure that tripod is straight

Christoph proud of a solid antenna build

All a field neutrino scientist needs


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