Beautiful shimmering snow

When the sun is out and there is not a cloud in the sky, the ice crystals catch the lights and the snow seems to sparkle (sometimes you can see rainbows). It is one of my favourite things up here. I also love the people - it is a really easy place to exist and hang out. There is always someone to play a game of Cribbage with, or hit a baseball around with, or just sit and talk about life with. As I have said, this is a transitory group who will all go back to their own lives, but I have made some great friends. I may only see them again when doing polar work, but it will be easy to fall back into this same rhythm.

North winds kept us on Station today, so we spent the day packing. It is all practically done. One more trip off Station tomorrow and that will be it. Just waiting for the plane on Saturday.

Baseball this evening was played at -21 C (-32 C with windchill).

Jethro's complete snowman


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