Kanger - it feels like home

We made it off the ice!!!!! It was a close call. Two of the three LC-130s have mechanical problems and I just heard that the third is also out of commission. Fortunately, some VIPs (members of the Greenlandic government and the American consulate to Greenland) wanted to come and see Summit, so they made it happen. The plane had some issues before take-off (the rumor is brakes), and the visibility was too low to land when they go up here, but the Air National Guard made it work.

Just after lunch we loaded up and headed back to Kanger. I am in a room with Nils at KISS and the C17 is due to arrive today to take us home tomorrow. It will be a busy flight. Lots of people from Summit, but also people from other areas of Greenland that have had a really hard time. They were stranded on an island in North Greenland and running out of food, but they managed to get them out a couple of days ago. There is another team still out there who are asking for permission to open the emergency food cache. Summit sounds decadent by comparison.

Bag drop is at 14:00 today and then we just wait for an off-deck time for tomorrow.

Last night we went to RoKlub with all of the Summit crew. Turns out Matt, one of the military air-drop specialists, really knows his wine. We then stayed up outside KISS with some of the LC-130 pilots, drinking fairly terrible whiskey. It is good to be back in civilization. Some random reporter also appeared and started asking me questions about neutrinos.........fortunately I had some experts around to bail me out.

This time tomorrow I should be heading back to Scotia, New York!!

Science Team 2 - ready to depart

Me and a working LC-130

A Summit bear-watch sunrise

One final fog bow with a Big House shadow

Goodbye Summit

Nils and me - ready to head back to sea level

A well earned beer


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